HandBrake 1.4.0 Released
Sunday, July 18, 2021“Better Late than never.” — The HandBrake Team (and a “few” others 😊)
The HandBrake Team is pleased to announce the release of HandBrake 1.4.0.
This is a significant feature release that focuses on:
- Further refining the HandBrake engine to support native 10 and 12-bit encodes, including HDR10 metadata passthru.
- Improvements to hardware encoding functionality for Intel QuickSync, AMD VCN and Qualcomm ARM devices. (Thanks to these companies all for supporting the development in HandBrake!)
- Adds support for Apple Silicon based macs.
- Adds support for Qualcomm ARM64 devices running Windows (HandBrakeCLI only for now. Windows UI is coming later!)
- Improvements to subtitle handling.
- UI/UX improvements for all 3 platforms.
- As usual, hundreds of other changes and tweaks to the app. See the full release notes below for details!
Upgrade Notice
Before updating, please make sure there are no pending encodes in the Queue. Please also make note of any custom presets you have created, as they may not be compatible with newer versions.
Release Notes
For a full list of improvements and fixes, please see our release notes on GitHub.
Reporting Issues or Providing Feedback
If you happen to discover any reproducible bugs, issues, or just want to provide feedback, please tell us on our GitHub issue tracker. You can also get in touch on our IRC community support channel.
Please be aware, the HandBrake app is built by a very small team of volunteers in our free time. As such, it may not be possible for an immediate response but we do see your comments and welcome constructive feedback!
Thanks and Contributing
Some of the features in this release have come from HandBrake users or companies. Translations have come from a vibrant community of volunteers throughout the globe. We'd like to thank everyone who contributed!
On that note, if you are interested in contributing but don't today, please take a read of our contributing guide. There are many ways you can contribute and you don't need to be a developer to do so.
Download HandBrake 1.4.0
HandBrake 1.4 Documentation