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Surround Sound Guide

There are many different formats for multi-channel audio which your source may have:

HandBrake can take these and either pass them through to your source or convert them to another format with a downmix.


When you are not using a passthru in the codec selection, you can choose the downmix from the “Mixdown” dropdown.

The options you have will depend on what the source track is and how many channels it has.

By default HandBrake will downmix your audio to Dolby ProLogic II which sounds good on both stereo and multi-channel audio systems alike. However, if you want the true experience you can choose the appropriate channel count surround option from the “Mixdown” dropdown.

Audio passthru

HandBrake also supports passing through the source audio track, bit-for-bit without altering it.

The following source format’s can be passed thru.