Community support

If you run into problems using HandBrake, first take a look at this documentation’s Table of contents—the information you need may be just a click away.

Didn’t find it? Keep reading.

Activity Logs

Providing an Activity Log is required for all support requests. It is the fastest and most accurate way for the HandBrake Team to understand any potential issues you may be facing. Logs are stored only on your computer, so please read more about where to find your Activity Logs and how to share them when requesting support.

You may think you have a simple question for which providing a log seems unnecessary. Please read the section, Why Activity Logs are required for support on the Activity Log article. Without an Activity Log, the HandBrake Team simply cannot provide technical support.

Community Forums

The Github Discussions are available 24/7. Whether you have a support request or simply want to connect with other HandBrake users, this is the place. Registration is free.

Please read and abide by our Code of Conduct.

Developers and keen users may report bugs on HandBrake’s issue tracker on GitHub.

Please make sure to fill out all requested information, including an Activity Log.

IRC discussion channels

Real-time chat is available via #HandBrake on the Libera.Chat IRC Network. Make sure to provide an Activity Log when requesting support.

Note that HandBrake’s developers are located in various timezones around the world, and have lives and jobs outside of HandBrake and its community. It’s possible that nobody will be able to answer your support request on IRC right away. Be patient for awhile or ask on the forums.

Developer discussion happens on the channel #HandBrake-dev, which is moderated for the team’s sanity. If you’re a developer and would like to speak on #HandBrake-dev, you may ask politely in #Handbrake